About Me

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Current Position

Management Science Division
DTU Management
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Contact Information

Akademivej, 358, 131
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


In my work, I focus on solving applied optimization problems within the field of transportation. I am particularly interested in solving operational problems within the domains of public transportation and passenger mobility, but my research interests also extend to problems in urban logistics and sustainable logistics. Moreover, I am also interested in improving the mathematical programming methods used to solve problems within these domains.


Journal Papers
The Bus Rapid Transit Investment Problem

Rowan Hoogervorst, Evelien van der Hurk, Philine Schiewe, Anita Schöbel, Reena Urban (2023)

Publisher Version Working Paper Version
Reducing disease spread through optimization: Limiting mixture of the population is more important than limiting group sizes

Niels-Christian Fink Bagger, Evelien van der Hurk, Rowan Hoogervorst, David Pisinger (2022). Computers & Operations Research, 142, 105718.

Publisher Version
A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Rolling Stock Rescheduling

Rowan Hoogervorst, Twan Dollevoet, Gábor Maróti and Dennis Huisman (2021). EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 10, 100032.

Publisher Version Working Paper Version
Reducing Passenger Delays by Rolling Stock Rescheduling
Rowan Hoogervorst, Twan Dollevoet, Gábor Maróti and Dennis Huisman (2020). Transportation Science, 54 (3), 762-784.

Delays are a major nuisance to railway passengers. The extent to which a delay propagates, and thus affects the passengers, is influenced by the assignment of rolling stock. We propose to reschedule the rolling stock in such a way that the passenger delay is minimized and such that objectives on passenger comfort and operational efficiency are taken into account. We refer to this problem as the passenger delay reduction problem. We propose two models for this problem, which are based on two dominant streams of literature for the traditional rolling stock rescheduling problem. The first model is an arc formulation of the problem, whereas the second model is a path formulation. We test the effectiveness of these models on instances from Netherlands Railways (Nederlandse Spoorwegen). The results show that the rescheduling of rolling stock can significantly decrease passenger delays in the system. Especially, allowing flexibility in the assignment of rolling stock at terminal stations turns out to be effective in reducing the delays. Moreover, we show that the arc formulation–based model performs best in finding high-quality solutions within the limited time that is available in the rescheduling phase.

Publisher Version Working Paper Version
Solving Bin-Packing Problems Under Privacy Preservation: Possibilities and Trade-Offs

Rowan Hoogervorst, Yingqian Zhang, Gamze Tillem, Zekeriya Erkin and Sicco Verwer (2019). Information Sciences, 500, 203-216.

Publisher Version Working Paper Version
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
The Edge Investment Problem: Upgrading Transit Line Segments with Multiple Investing Parties

Rowan Hoogervorst, Evelien van der Hurk, Philine Schiewe, Anita Schöbel and Reena Urban. In: Proceedings of 22nd Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2022)

Publisher Version
Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis on the Web Using Rhetorical Structure Theory

Rowan Hoogervorst, Erik Essink, Wouter Jansen, Max van den Helder, Kim Schouten, Flavius Frasincar and Maite Taboada (2016). In: Bozzon A., Cudre-Maroux P., Pautasso C. (eds) Web Engineering. ICWE 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9671. Springer, Cham

Publisher Version
A Comparison of Models for Rolling Stock Scheduling

Boris Grimm, Rowan Hoogervorst, Ralf Borndörfer (2023)

Arxiv version
Improving the Scheduling and Rescheduling of Rolling Stock: Solution Methods and Extensions

Rowan Hoogervorst (2021). ERIM Ph.D. Series Research in Management. Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Full Text



Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Erasmus University Rotterdam


Conference Presentations
The Bus Rapid Transit Investment Problem

hEART 2023, Zürich (September 6-8, 2023)

Combining Optimization and Simulation for the Targeted Immunization of a Population under Epidemic Outbreak

ORAHS 2023, Graz (July 16-21, 2023)

Network Design for a Bus Rapid Transit Line Considering Route and Station Attractiveness

OR 2022, Karlsruhe (September 6-9, 2022)

Reducing disease spread through optimization: Limiting mixture of the population is more important than limiting group sizes

EURO 2022, Helsinki (July 3-6, 2022)

An Analytical Comparison of Models for Rolling Stock Scheduling

EURO 2021, Athens + Online (July 11-14, 2021)

Integrated Rolling Stock and Shunting Driver Rescheduling

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual (November 7-13, 2020)

Integrated Rolling Stock and Shunting Driver Rescheduling

OR 2019, Dresden, Germany (September 3-6, 2019)

An Efficient Heuristic for the Rolling Stock Rescheduling Problem

EURO 2019, Dublin, Ireland (June 23-26, 2019)

An Efficient Heuristic for the Rolling Stock Rescheduling Problem

Lunteren Conference 2019, Lunteren, the Netherlands (January 13-15, 2019)

Rolling Stock Rescheduling in Case of Delays

CASPT 2018, Brisbane, Australia (July 23-25, 2018)

Rolling Stock Rescheduling in Case of Delays

IFORS 2017, Quebec City, Canada (July 17-21, 2017)

Optimization Under Privacy Preservation: Possibilities and Trade-offs

EURO 2016, Poznan, Poland (July 4-6, 2016)